
Minggu, 13 November 2011


A clauses is a group of word  containing a subject and a verb. An independent clause is a complete sentence. It contains the main subject and verb of a sentence. (it also called a main clause). A dependent clause is not a complete sentence. It must be connected to an independent clause. An adjective clause is a dependent clause that modifies a noun. It describes, identifies, or gives further information about a noun. (an adjective clause is also called a relative clause).
1.      Using subject pronouns: who, which, that
a.      Used for people (who, that)
Example: * the girl is happy. She won the mathematics competition
            Who = the girl is happy who won the mathematics competition
That = the girl is happy that won the mathematics competition
b.      Used for things (which, that)
Example: * the book is mine. It is on the table
Which = the book which is on the table is mine
That = the book that is on the table is mine
2.      Using object pronouns ( whom, which, that, ᴓ)
a.      Used for people ( whom, that, ᴓ)
Example: * the man was Mr. Jones. I saw him
Whom = the man whom I saw was Mr. Jones
That = the man that I saw was Mr. Jones
 ᴓ = the man I saw was Mr. Jones
b.      Use for things ( which, that, ᴓ)
Example: * the movie wasn’t very good. We saw is last night
            Which = the movie which we saw is last night wasn’t very good
            That = the movie that we saw is last night wasn’t very good
            = the movie wa saw is last night wasn’t very good
3.      Pronouns used as the object of a preposition ( about whom, whom, to which, which, that, ᴓ)
a.      Used for people ( about whom, whom, that, ᴓ)
Example : * she is the woman. I told you about her
            About whom = she is the woman about whom I told you
            Whom = she is the woman whom I told you about
            That = she is the woman that I told you about
            = she is woman I told you about
b.      Used for people ( to which, which, that, ᴓ)
Example : * the music was good. We listened to it last night
            To which = the music to which we listened to last night was good
            Which = the music which we listened to last night was good
            That = the music that  we listened to last night was good
            = the music was listened to last night was good

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